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Beam CombiningLight Source

18KW Spectral Beam Combining Light Sources
(18KW Spectral Beam Combining Light Sources


1. Features & Advantages

High Output Power: 18kW (Higher output power could be customized.)
Superior Beam Quality: Beam quality β: less than 4
Compact and Lightweight Design
High Reliability: The products passes the standard and severe environment tests (temperature cycling test, vibration test, damp heat test, etc.).
Special requirements such as salt fog prevention and extreme temperature storage are optional.

2. Technical Parameters

Main SpecificationsDG18000S
Output Power (W)18000
Operation ModeCW
Beam Quality β<4
Central Wavelength (nm)1050~1090
Output Power Range (%)1~100
Power Stability (%)<±2
Polarization StateRandom
Optical InterfaceCollimated Beam with 30mm~50mm Diameter, optional
Red LaserOptional
Control ModeRS422/CAN
Power SupplyDC (AC380V, optional)
Power Consumption (kW)<54
CoolingWater Cooling, 25±1℃
 Flux Requirement (L/min)>110

Dimensions (mm)
(Without Spectral Beam Combine Cabinet)
Weight (kg)≤500

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Power By  Shangpin
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